Biantian's Studio.

Intro to AI 02

Word count: 740Reading time: 4 min
2020/04/25 Share

Depth-First Search Variations and A*

Best-First Search as a Generalized Search Algorithm

Breadth-first search: (the smaller depth the smaller cost)

Depth-first search: (the bigger the depth the smaller relative cost)

Which frontier node would we visit first?

The one with the lowest estimated solution cost, given an evaluation function f: node cost estimate.

The function f can be chosen so as to lead to informed search algorithms.

  • Informed search algorithms make use problem-specific knowledge that goes beyond the problem formulation, in an attempt to improve efficiency.
  • Heuristic functions are the most common form of using such knowledge in search algorithms.
    • A heuristic is a function h: node estimate the cost of the cheapest path from the state at the node to a goal state.
    • Heuristics are hints / rules of thumb: approximate, quick to compute, not guaranteed to work.
    • Can be used to guide the search and cut down the number of node expansions before finding a goal.
    • How much more efficient the search will be in comparison to uninformed search depends on the quality of the heuristic.

1. Introduction

A widely known best-first informed search algorithm. Works for problems where the cost of actions may differ.

Evaluation function:

where is the cost of the actions used to reach this node and is a heuristic function.

2. Algorithm for

  • Visit the node with the smallest first, placing each child in the frontier.
  • Do not place the child in the frontier if its corresponding state is already in the list of visited nodes.
  • If the state of a given child is already in the frontier:
    • If the frontier node has a larger , place the child to the frontier and remove the larger node from the frontier.
    • Else, do not place the child in the frontier.
  • Stop when you visit a node which is a goal node.

3. Consistency (Monotonicity)

When using a consistent heuristic, A* is complete and optimal, i.e., guaranteed to find an optimal solution if one exists.

4. Generating Heuristics

  • Heuristics are problem dependent, and can be difficult to devise.
  • Hint: generate a heuristic based on a relaxed version of the problem, i.e., a problem with fewer restrictions on actions.


1. Artificial Intelligence Optimization Algorithms

  • Advantages:
    • Usually more space efficient, frequently requiring constant space.
      • They do not maintain paths to solutions.
      • Frequently able to find reasonable solutions for problems with large state spaces, for which the tree-based search algorithms are unsuitable.
    • Can potentially be more time efficient, depending on the algorithm.
    • Do not necessarily require problem-specific heuristics.
  • Weaknesses:
    • Not guaranteed to retrieve the optimal solution.
    • Depending on the problem formulation and operators, not guaranteed to be complete either.
  • Applicability:
    • Can be used for any problem that can be formulated as an optimization problem.

3. Optimization Problems

  • Optimisation problems: to find a solution that minimises/ maximises one or more pre-defined objective functions.
  • Maximisation / minimisation problems.
  • What constitutes a solution depends on the problem in hands.

3. Traveling Salesman Problem Formulation

  • Design variables represent a candidate solution.

    • Sequence x containing N cities to be visited.
  • Design variables define the search space of candidate solutions.

    • All possible sequences of cities.
  • [Optional] Solutions must satisfy certain constraints, which define solutions feasibility.

    • Each city must appear once and only once in x (explicit constraint).
    • Salesman must return to the city of origin (implicit constraint).
  • Objective function defines the quality (or cost) of a solution.

    • Total_distance(x) =

      sum of distances between consecutive cities in x +

      distance from last city to the origin

    • To be minimized.

4. Hill-Climbing

Hill-Climbing (assuming maximization)

  1. current_solution = generate initial candidate solution randomly.
  2. Repeat:
    1. generate neighbor solutions (differ from current solution by a single element)
    2. best_neighbor = get highest quality neighbor of current_solution
    3. If quality (best_neighbor) <= quality (current_solution)
      1. Return current_solution
    4. current_solution = best_neighbor.

Illustrative Example

  • Design variables represent a candidate solution.
    • x ∈ Z
  • Design variables define the search space of candidate solutions.
    • Our search space are all integer numbers.
  • [Optional] Solutions must satisfy certain constraints, which define solution feasibility.
    • None
  • Objective function defines the quality (or cost) of a solution.
    • , to be maximized
  • Representation
    • Integer variable
  • Initialization
    • Initialize with an integer value picked randomly.
  • Neighborhood
    • Add or subtract 1.

The success of hill-climbing depends on the shape of the objective function for the problem instance in hands.

Hill-climbing has been successfully applied to software module clustering.

  1. 1. Depth-First Search Variations and A*
  2. 2. Best-First Search as a Generalized Search Algorithm
    1. 2.1. 1. Informed (Heuristic) Search
    2. 2.2. 2. A* Search
      1. 2.2.1. 1. Introduction
      2. 2.2.2. 2. Algorithm for
      3. 2.2.3. 3. Consistency (Monotonicity)
      4. 2.2.4. 4. Generating Heuristics
  3. 3. Hill-Climbing
    1. 3.1. 1. Artificial Intelligence Optimization Algorithms
    2. 3.2. 3. Optimization Problems
    3. 3.3. 3. Traveling Salesman Problem Formulation
    4. 3.4. 4. Hill-Climbing
      1. Hill-Climbing (assuming maximization)
      2. Illustrative Example
  4. 3.5. 5. Greedy Local Search